Monday, 21 January 2013

Review on Tim Waker Somerset house

Image by Tim Walker

Tim Walker is a British Fashion photographer, he has caught the attention of vogue month by month for over a decade now. He has a stagging and romantic but dreamy motifs characterise his distinctive style. Walker is very eccentric and his photograph's tend to bring out the child-like sides of him as he creates ficitive worlds and parallel lives which is the stiff of fashion photography. Walker see’s the world through a childs eye and the other primed for the monster under the bed.
His photographs are really eccentric and weird like, like it shouldn't be put together but walker makes you look at things different persectiveand he also makes his two parallel looking worlds cme together in the his photos. Walker has some hih fashion ones which caught my eye, he ovbiously has a love for not just photography but fashion too.
Most of his quotes were written like riddles but most were understandable i one has a creative mind set. Walker is an interesting bu yet vert unquie artist that comes with lots of characteristics bt when put together he can create a fine pieceof work! which is unlike others seen before.
I would definiatetly go back and see his work again although the big massive doll and the big bugs were a put off everything else was shockingly good!
I will see alot more of Walkers quote later on in this blog.
                    Yas x

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