Monday, 11 February 2013

Film reviews 'surrealism'

Dumbo The Elephant

it is a children's animated film, with a scene made up of surreal pieces, it was like a delusion, i bet any child would be confused as well as happy and excited at the colourful screen and movements. it is a weird cartoon  something some high on some drugs would make or see.

Un chien d' Andalou

It was weirdly funny with all the animals occurring and the time changing in a blink of eye. all this was happening while the man's wife was asleep. it made him think he was going mad and seeing things that were not really happening but it actually was happening

Phantom of liberty

I didn't really like it with all the ear chopping  and cutting of the eye balls and all the different toilets etc. so it isn't to my personal taste I would not watch it ever again although some parts were contently funny but I still do not like it, whoever made it was a psychopath and disturbingly weird.

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